First it was the weevils, and now, leaf miners.
Amaya informed Amber that the leaf miner bugs
put their babies inside the leaves, and then the
when they hatch they eat the leaves. This is true
of course, what I can't figure out is how she knew
You can see on this chard leaf the damage they do.
If I let them get out of control, I can expect they'll
jump to my beets soon enough.
We have a bunch of magnolia trees in the area - and
we've seen evidence of their eating on their leaves
as well, which unfortunately means they have an
abundant natural habitat all around; and there are
probably millions of them.
I went to Sky Nursery to see what they had -
Originally I was looking for some kind of pheromone
trap (they didn't have one for leaf miners).
However, I did see that the capsicum spray they
were selling indicated it worked on leaf miners.
Perhaps the mama leaf miners don't much care for penetrating a leaf that's been treated with
pepper spray. I sure hope so- because that's about the only mitigation I've found. Other than
that, the only recommended treatment is to cull the infected leaves at first sign of infection, and
hope the little &^#@!*%$ don't find the rest of your crop.
We were able to actually see the leaf miners eating away when we put the leaf under the
microscope. Two that are in focus are on the left. There's more movement in the upper right,
which I'm sure are more of them, but the field of focus is limited.