Last year was the first year that our grapes successfully crossed the terrace, and it was also the first year that we got a harvest! The grapes are delicious- I just wish I knew what kind they are.
They're a red, seedless grape that are quite small.
One side effect of having the grapes in the upper terraced bed is that we can no longer aggressively till the soil there. The root system for the grapes has spread extensively throughout - and tilling would disrupt the grapes. We have some herbs that are coexisting in the same bed, so that works well. For sections that are currently bare, I'm thinking that we could regain some functionality with containers on top of the terraced bed soil (like mint... which you wouldn't want in an open bed anyways.)
At the end of this growing season I'll be looking to cut back the grapes quite a bit to the core vines that we want to nurture.
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